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European Funding to support enterprising young people

European Funding to support enterprising young people

Youngsters developing their business ideas with some creative thinking.

M4C4 LOGOHULL City Council in partnership with the Hull Youth Support Trust is to launch an exciting new enterprise programme called “The Making Changes for Careers” aimed at young people who are not in employment or education.
As part of the scheme young people will be able to find out more about the Big 13 Enterprise Skills, as well as having the chance to access grants from the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank in order to develop their business ideas.
Young People will also have the opportunity to access an experienced business mentor who will be on hand to offer expert advice and guidance. 
Councillor Martin Mancey, Portfolio Holder for Energy City with responsibility for employment, said: “Hull has a national reputation for supporting its enterprising young people and I am really pleased that the Council along with its partners has managed to secure funding for another programme to support potential young entrepreneurs.
“The scheme is a fantastic opportunity for us to help support young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs) by turning their ideas into a viable business opportunity.”
The brand new scheme received £382,229 of funding from the European Social Fund and Youth Employment Initiative as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme in England.
Tracey Leedham, Youth Enterprise Officer, said: “As a former business owner I know how important it is when setting up and developing your own business to ensure that the product or service you are providing is well-received by your potential customers.
"My team and I have a vast amount of experience and we look forward to sharing it with the next generation of young entrepreneurs by helping them to unlock their business potential.
"We look forward to working with partner teams across the project and sharing the vast amount of experience both I and my team have with the next generation of young entrepreneurs, by helping them to unlock their business potential."

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