Funding package boosts Jobs Fair chances of young entrepreneurs

Di Garbera
CHAMBER member Golding Computer Services will underline the importance of putting finance first when they speak to young entrepreneurs at next week’s Hull Jobs Fair.
The Goldings team will also show visitors to the event how they can add free financial know-how to their business planning after a new enterprise programme unlocked a European funding package.
The jobs fair is the first public event to be held since the launch in May of the “Making Changes for Careers” programme, which brings together Hull City Council and the Hull Youth Support Trust to help young people who are not in employment or education.
The project is backed by more than £380,000 from the European Social Fund and Youth Employment Initiative as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme in England. It will give people aged 16–29 access to experienced business mentors who will offer expert advice and guidance around the Big 13 Enterprise Skills.
Top of the list is understanding finance, with the funding giving free access for the first time to the Sage computerised accounts and payroll for business training delivered by Hull-based Golding Computer Services. The training will also assist people who seek to develop their business ideas with grants from the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank.
Charles Cracknell, City Youth Enterprise Manager at Hull City Council, said: “Finance is one of the most important skills because you will only survive in business if you get that right. If you don’t understand finance you risk working for nothing – or even ending up owing money. It is rare for funding to become available for finance training, and that makes this opportunity even more attractive.”
The jobs fair is open to all and will take place in Hull Guildhall on Wednesday June 8 from 10am until 2pm. Di Garbera, General Manager at Goldings, said a similar event in Manchester recently demonstrated high demand for finance training – but candidates missed out because of the lack of funding.
She said: “We received about 200 enquiries from people who wanted to train with us but they couldn’t afford it and there wasn’t any funding available for them. People attending the Hull Jobs Fair may be eligible for funding and that will make a huge difference.
“Without the funding the cost of the Sage training would be as much as £300 and the benefits go beyond that. People who take part can work towards a certificate and a Level 1 qualification.
“Our intention and the aim of the Making Changes for Careers project is to take young people who are not in employment or education and get them ready for traineeships or apprenticeships, and you can’t really calculate the value of that to an individual. We hope employers will respond by providing opportunities.”
Mr Cracknell added: “Goldings are a great addition to the partnership because they are recognised nationally for their work in delivering Sage computerised accounts training and because they have a strong track record in working with young entrepreneurs in the Hull area.
“We look forward to working with the next generation of young entrepreneurs and helping them to unlock their business potential.”