Law firm donates hundred of christmas meals to families in food poverty
PEPPERELLS SOLICITORS, who have offices in East Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and the North East have
embarked on a Christmas Mission to provide festive food parcels for local families living in food
This year's Christmas Dinner project, now in its 3rd year, has provided over 300 meals for local
Working in partnership with churches and food banks to provide a festive meal for families that
would otherwise go without. Many of the families who receive the meals do not have presents
under the tree and for them Christmas is just another day.
The Covid-19 crisis has pushed many families into food poverty, some not being able to afford
their weekly needs and with family budgets at an all time low, Pepperells embarked on the
Christmas Dinner Project to help.
The dinner packs include everything needed to prepare a delicious meal for the family table on
Christmas Day. Fresh meat, the usual trimmings, cranberry sauce, christmas puddings and
Pepperells food partner, Morrisons, pick pack and deliver the dinners ready for local
churches and food banks to distribute the meals directly to the families that are most in need.
Pepperells offices in Hull, Lincoln, Newcastle, Willerby, Beverley, Grimsby and Scunthorpe have
all taken part in the project.