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Growing your business,
building our economy

We’re driving the growth of the Humber Economy

THE Hull & Humber Chamber of Commerce works with and supports various stakeholders across the Humber to support business and create an environment which encourages growth and inward investment.

The former chairman of the Chamber’s Shipping and Transport Committee, Graham Cross, represents the Chamber on the Humber region’s Local Enterprise Partnership. Talking about his role, Graham said: “The Chamber works with the LEP at various levels, and I’m pleased to represent the Chamber on the LEP’s board and contribute to the vital work that is going on across the Humber.

Here, the LEP’s Keely Lead, updates us on the work and successes of the Humber LEP.

The Humber Local Enterprise Partnership is driving the growth of the Humber economy for the benefit of our communities.

But when we talk about the Humber LEP we may well be talking about you, your business or your organisation – as although we lead on strategy, collaborate, invest in and support delivery, it is our partners that deliver the programmes and projects needed to make the most of the opportunities to improve the prosperity of the Humber.

Working in partnership we have so far enabled more than 12,000 learners to support skilled and productive Humber workforce to meet the needs of business, supported more than 2,190 businesses to thrive and succeed through the Humber Business Growth Hub and Growing the Humber Programme and attracted £113m Growth Deal funding to leverage £404m investment in the Humber to support an infrastructure the supports growth.

Through our first round Growth Deal and our Growing the Humber Programme alone we are on track to safeguard and create more than 13,000 jobs.

We collaborate with local businesses, education providers, local government and central government agencies, plus business organisations such as the Hull and Humber Chamber of Commerce, all of which are represented on our boards, sub boards and working groups.

Our Growth Deal projects now underway are helping to regenerate town centres and improve the visitor experience, improve road and transport infrastructure, safeguard the region from flooding, business support programmes to develop and projects that create the opportunities to grow a workforce that meets the needs of businesses. You can find out what’s happening near you on our website. 

As well as the businesses we support to grow through our programmes, we also work in partnership to support investment in the region linked to our key sectors, including Energy and Ports and Logistics, working with organisations such as the Chamber, UKTI, and our four local authorities and Bondholders.

Working with our local authority partners we have more than doubled the Humber Enterprise Zone which now includes 40 sites totalling over 1,200ha of development land close to deepwater ports and motorways on both sides the Humber offering businesses great opportunities to invest and grow here. 

While work to create a skilled and productive workforce continues apace with more than 270 contributors through our skills network, 28 representatives on our recruiters’ forum and 10 working groups linked to the work of our Employment and Skills Board. 

Making sure the region has a strong business voice is crucial which is why we are running our AGM Powerhouse Breakfast and the Humber Northern Powerhouse Business Summit as part of Humber Business Week.

Lord Haskins, Chair of the Humber LEP, said: “There is uncertainty in the economy and in politics, but we must not freeze in the face of this uncertainty, but instead focus on the real opportunities that exist in the Humber that, if realised, could bring the prosperity that will benefit the region for years to come.

“Together we must continue to demonstrate the key role the Humber plays in the Northern Powerhouse.”





Aa Global
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Andrew Jackson Solicitors LLP
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East Riding of Yorkshire Council
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Hatfields Hull
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Pattesons Glass Ltd
SPS Group
Streets Chartered Accountants
University of Hull
Wilkin Chapman LLP